About Us
Black0ut srl is a consolidated reality since 2017. Initially we mainly dealt with the creation of video content, in 2019 we have grown and we also deal with the guided development of Ecommerce, and the care of the corporate public image on SocialMedia.
Determined, creative and eternally curious, this is my best synthesis in 3 adjectives!
I grew up with a passion for entertainment and videomaking, since 2014 this passion is my job. I made videos for CasaSanremo, Novotel, SNAV, BeachScanner and many other brands. In 2019 I was awarded by Coldiretti for a video of mine made for the environmental campaign #LessPlasticisMoreLife
My other great passion is music that I was able to combine in a radio key, gaining editorial experience and then moving on to the role of speaker for regional radios such Radio Veronica One of Turin.
Moreover, since 2018 I have also gained experience in conducting and presenting live events.
Luca Curti, CEO of Black0ut Srl
Media Kit:
Some Videos by Black0ut Productions: